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Red Rose of Normandy (2010)

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Red Rose of Normandy (in Hollywood Movies)
Red Rose of Normandy (2010) - Download Movie for mobile in best quality 3gp and mp4 format. Also stream Red Rose of Normandy on your mobile, tablets and ipads

Plot: Klaus Muller, a battle-hardened veteran, finds himself fighting for his life on the Russian front. Surrounded by overwhelming numbers of Russian tanks and planes, he and his men are doomed until famed German tank ace, Michael Wittmann, shows up in his Tiger Tank and saves the day. Once wounded, Klaus is transferred to Normandy to serve under Field Marshal Rommel just days before the Allied invasion. Much to his surprise, he finds that his beloved Klaudia is also stationed nearby as a field nurse. Unfortunately, so is her father, who is working with the French resistance and now finds himself pursued by the ruthless Gestapo officer Brahms, whose search leads him to Klaus and Klaudia attempting a rescue. They are caught and imprisoned. As D-Day begins and the Allies attack from the beaches and the sky, they escape from the prison, fighting the Gestapo in the middle of the biggest invasion in world history. We follow the D-Day invasion through the scared eyes of Sgt. Roberts whose path will cross with Muller in unexpected ways, as their individual fights lead them to cross paths.
Runtime: mins
Release Date: 31 Dec 2010
Starcast: Tino Struckmann, Damian Chapa, Jack Dimich, Claudia Crawford, Frank Abbott, D. Kent Allen, Gary Amachen, Bucky Anderson, Mark Anderson, Mel Bain, Gregory Bakula, Troy Baldwin, John s Barnett, Brad Baronowski, John Beale, Barry Beaudry, Gary Becca, Nick Belcher, Joshua Ray Bell, Rob Bennett, Heath Benson, Greer Bishop, Chris Blackmon, David Bloom, John Bolender, Keith Bond, Mike Booker, Dillon Borel, Buck Brown, Christian Brown, Aric Bruggeworth, Gib Buckbee, Ed Buist, Rodney Burlin, Christoper Buzzard, Robert Michael Byers, Brandon Cameron, Scott Campbell, Chase T. Carter, Bob Carvo, Paul Casalese, T.J. Cates, Justin Choltko, Rick Choltko, Baker Chris, Nicolas Cogan, Billy Colwell, Jim Connors, Dayton Constantin, John Courtney, Andy Cozad, Jesse Cozad, Jeremy Craft, Mathew Crunk, Abbey Daley, Burns Darsie III, Burns Darsie, Kirk Dayer, Robert Stick Decker, Mason Dement, Ralph Demshar, Warren Dickinson, Chip Dobson, Paul Dolle, Kaitylynn Donck, Ross Donewar, Don Drake, Richard Drake, Tyler Robert Duboy, Clayton Duhon, Ed Duncan, Steve Dunn, Art Durshimer, Niklas D. Earl, John ii Eberts, Dana Lynn Effler, David Effler, Doug Effler, Rob Effler, Steve Effler, W.T. Effler, Chade Felege, Mike Felege, Robert Field, Erich Franklin, Matthew Gajkowski, Neil Gallagher, Ethan S. Gallo, Rob Giumma, Robert p Giunth, William Doc Golliher, John Greer, Brandon Gross, Garrett L. Gross, William B. Hall, Robert Hand, Robert Harsfield, Al Hartman, Dennis Haske, David Heitzenrater, Aaron Helman, James Herbert, Alex Herholz, Carmen Herhulz, Kurt Hilberth, Frank Hines, Robert Hines, Ralph Hitman, Zack Holloman, John C. Hoogeveen III, Trey Hough, Justin Houlker, Sam Howell, Dan Huetson, William Jit, Denise Johnson, Don Johnson, Zach Johnson, Alan T. Jones, Martin Juarz, David Martin Kalinauskas, Dennis Kalinauskas, Jeb Kasicki, Rober Kasicki, Thomas Kasicki, Kevin Knoke, Chris Kobeck, Mickel Kobeck, Donald Kocian, Ian Kowalski, Mike Kowolski, John Lamb, Alan Lane, Bradley K. Larue, Justin Lavergne, Terry Lawrence, Mark Anthony Leezer, Mike Volker Lipe, Jeremy Lobbezoo, George Lococo, David Loeffler, Jay Lovell, Theresa Machado, Joe Maloney, Elvin Manges, Seth Manges, Alex Martin, Milton Martin, Kyle Maxwell, Sam Maxwell, Jan Michael McCarron, Gene Mckinney, Shea McLean, Shea W. Mclean, Samuel Meadows, Jason Medlock, Brian Meier, Howard Miller, Leslie Mills, Wendel Millstead, Ernie Milteer, Michael Monet, Josh Morris, Nicholas Morton, William Morton, Matt Naudasher, Kyle Neveau, Thomas Novosel, Ted O'Sullivan, Trevor Odom, Wesley Odom, Mark Pachoiski, James Page, Daniel Panicara, Wes Parker, Jonathan Payne, Marc Pelkey, Russell Pendleton, Dan Peterson, Michael Pillow, Jared Previte, Jordan Previte, Lauren Pursley, Todd Rader, Garry Redmon, George Reinke, Andrew Reynolds, James Reynolds, Michael Roberts, Jeffrey Rosatto, Terry Roth, Eric Rutkowski, Benjamen Salata, Vincent Santucci, Dave Sawdy, Cole Schaefer, Mark Schettler, Erik Schmidt, Chris Schneider, Stan Schneider, Andrew Schuler, Jean Schutte, Craig W. Schwartz, Seth Scofield, Eddie Scott, James L. Scott, Mark Seidel, Evan Seider, Rob Shrum, Alex Singer, Chris Slater, D. Edward Slater, Chris Smelko, John Smelko, Jackson Smith, Scott Smith, Joshua Snavely, Phillip Snow, Scott Spiekerman, Gregory Stapleton, Ronnie Steele, Curt Stiles, J.P. Suarez, Michael Sullivan, Shaun Surgener, David Sweeney, Glenn Tamboia, James Teufel, John M. Teufel, Michael P. Thomas, David Tillman, Lee Tingey, Ramon A. Torres Jr., Mike Turker, Joshua Turner, Mike Turner, Jerry Underwood, Tim Van Raemdonck, Jordan Vanicek, Kaitlynn VanRaemdonck, Caspar von Winterfeldt, Amy Vtendorf, Josh Waggener, John Wallwork, Jordan Walters, Michael Ward, Ted Waterhouse, Don Watson, Tony Watson, Stephen Wendt, Michael Whalen, Rodger Williamson, Glenn Too Tall Witham, Matt Yeaton, Chad Zachman, Tyler Zickafoose,
Director(s): Tino Struckmann
Genre: War, ,
Tags: shootout, chase
Downloads: 10968.0
IMDb Rating: 2.7/10 (373 votes)

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